

HOMETOWN: Parkland, Washington

ALMA MATER: Wright State University, Dayton, OH

“LESSON FROM MOM” I STILL LIVE BY TODAY: Trust your intuition. Don’t second guess that small voice.

ALL THE PLACES I HAVE LIVED: As a born and raised Air Force brat and then a 26 year, Veteran Spouse, I have lived in 10 different states, one US Territory, and have visited or travelled through 48 of the 50.  I was born in Nebraska, moved to North Carolina, then on to Guam, Washington State, Arkansas, Ohio, Nevada (Vegas, baby!), Virginia, Texas, New Jersey and Oklahoma.

FAVORITE PHILANTHROPY: Giving of my time, talent and resources to help others in need. My favorite philanthropic institution is the Church.

SOMETHING I’VE ACCOMPLISHED THAT MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW: I am # 3 of 7 kids and I was the first to graduate from college, paying for it with Pell grants, loans and my own money while working through. (I am very proud of that.) Sibling # 6 of the 7 was the only other one to graduate from college.

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