I grew up in the precious city of Austin Texas. The way I would describe my hometown is quiet but loud. Nothing can happen one day then a lot can happen another day. There is also just a big mix of country influenced kids and city influenced kids, so there is a big difference in a lot of personalities. I would say my parents and music influenced me a lot growing up. My parents had a big part of my mindset with ethics and expectations. And with music it gave me a different perspective of other peoples lives and what they went through in life. One of the greatest lessons I learned in my childhood is that nothing comes easy in this world, and that you have to work for everything you have. And that success should be the main goal in life. I went to the University of Houston and I studied marketing. I was involved in the American Marketing Association (AMA) for both semesters of my junior year, and I served as the corporate relations intern for one semester in the organization. I also did intramurals for football, basketball, and soccer.